Platform Technologies
ABS-Services℠ provides a unified pipeline of gene-to-structure protein X-ray crystallography solutions aimed at the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries to support structure-based drug discovery (SBDD) and protein engineering.
Key to our services is high throughput, high quality, and high reliability, thereby enabling our customers and partners to focus on advancing drug discovery projects with high intensity.
SBDD overall has led to ~250 drugs in the market.
We use our technologies in a variety of applications:
• Structure- and Fragment-Based Drug Discovery
• Co-crystal structures (Protein-Small molecule, Protein-DNA/RNA, Protein-Protein)
• Novel structures and difficult targets
• Crystal screening for verification and construct optimization
• X-ray data collection and processing
• Structure determination, refinement, and analysis
• Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and room temperature protein crystallography
• Complete gene to structure determination, analysis, and publication
• Project design including bioinformatics, computational, and molecular biology
ABS-OneStep℠ is our next-generation platform, developed with SBIR Phase I (2016) & II (2018) funding from NIH (NCATS & NIGMS), focused on using fragment-based drug discoveryn (FBDD) to develop novel therapeutics.
FBDD is also an effective starting point in the discovery of novel chemical entities and can beespecially valuable for traditional “non-druggable” targets. Fragment library screening with ABS-OneStep℠ resolves key bottlenecks in conventional FBDD approaches.
ABS-OneStep℠ provides an extremely sensitive, efficient, single-step approach for determining fragment binding hits to orthosteric and tentative allosteric sites and elucidating their 3D binding site structures using protein X-ray crystallography. This determines molecular interactions in the broadest interaction range including weak affinities usually seen for fragment binding.
ABS-OneStep℠ can bring into scope drug targets that were previously harder to make an economic case for, thereby building a market for the target.
FBDD has led to three FDA approved drugs in the market and approximately 30 in various stages of clinical development at numerous pharmaceutical companies.